🍌 Bananoise 🍌

Upload MP3 Files

Please Dont upload more then 3Min Audios it must be mp3
And Please be respectfull and kind in the Audios anything too bad will get removed

Write your user name so people can find you in the Banano Discord

What is this site ?

if you like the shared song made by the user you can send them banano for their Talents
I may have to delete old songs as we go because everything is on free plan, if you guys like the project
Maybe i can set up a support something idk.. and yeah the ban goes straight to the user no fees
If you guys have cool ideas let me know ill add em in

For Social Links

i am not gone add a place to add your social links like this, but it can be added upon request

1️⃣. YouTube

2️⃣. Spotify

3️⃣. SoundCloud